Well, here I am, with a new blog. I don't really know much about blogs, so I may be doing it wrong. But from what I understand, this may be an opportunity for me to share art and stories, explain about their creation, and help others to do so. My plan is to help people who have that dreams in their heads, madness and fantasies, heads full of phantasmagoria and unborn people, all waiting to get out, but you don't know how. Do you want to learn how to write fantasy? I can help. Do you want to learn how to draw anime? I'll show you (I've focused on anime, so I can't show you how to do anything else). Or maybe, if there are other art forms that you are interested in, I could host tutorials. If I find magic out in the world, made with a pen, keyboard, mouse, camera, pencil, paint - if there is a world being built or characters dancing onto canvas, I want to show you, and share it with the world. I'll do mine, of course. Expect unfinished stories and short bits of writing that I hope you will find interesting to read. Also expect people and creatures that demanded to be penciled onto paper. Expect tutorials and expect other artists and writers. Hopefully, you'll enjoy reading my blog, and I'll enjoy writing it. I hope we get along!
And feel free to ask me to plug your stories and such. I will pick and choose what I plug, but asking doesn't hurt.
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